Be Better Clinic


About Me

I have always been fascinated in the mind-body connection and studied this phenomenon by completing a Bsc joint honours in Physiology and Psychology.

I chose to take a whole person approach to physical and mental health and train as an Occupational Therapist. I worked in Occupational Therapy in the NHS for over 20 years. Over this time I have worked with pre-term infants, babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly with a huge range of conditions and functional limitations. I later discovered that Bowen can help with almost all of them.

I was lucky enough to be based in many teaching hospitals in central London, with fantastic, inspiring clinical leads and the opportunity to work with OTs from all around the world. I worked in a wide range of settings including A&E, paediatric and adult intensive care units, a wide range of wards, rehabilitation facilities, outpatient clinics, and community settings such as day centres, nurseries, pre-schools, schools and people's homes. Over this time it struck me again and again that often 'the dots are not connected' within the NHS. People are investigated for isolated complaints and sent for different tests and treatments but nobody oversees the individual as a whole. Staff have the best intentions but nobody is allocated to looking at the overall health and wellbeing of the individual.

The Bowen Technique appealed to me as it treats the individual as a whole rather than a collection of separate symptoms. It is hands-on, natural, non-invasive, relaxing, beneficial for all ages and almost all conditions. It does not use drugs or surgeries, which put additional stressors on the body, because it taps into the innate ability of the body to heal itself.

After running The Be Better Clinic for a few years I started to see links between patterns of thinking and physical ailments and postural presentations.

I became increasingly aware that Bowen was great for sorting these things but that unless the person made a significant changes in their lifestyle, over time, they were likely to re-present with the same issue and need re-tuning with the Bowen.

I believe that the way we view ourselves and the world around us manifests physically in the way we hold ourselves and in the ailments we tend to develop. I realised that we needed healing from the inside out.

This lead me to developing a 5 session Transformational Therapy Programme (TTP). The programme uses Theta Healing to help you remove limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living the life you want and to help you to set purposeful meaningful intentions.

TTP utilises all my prior knowledge, experience and skills to assess you in order to identify which of your emotional centres are prone to imbalance and therefore which physical presentations you are most likely to encounter.

I will draw on this comprehensive assessment and range of knowledge and skills to formulate your Personal Profile.

I will then formulate profound and Integral Aims for your lifetime, that will feel highly resonant to you. We will work on the aims during the 4 remaining sessions.

At the end I will give you a Personal Therapy Plan with activities that are easy for you to do after the programme, to stay in this awakened state and significantly improve your current and future health and wellbeing.


My Qualifications

  • Bsc in Psychology & Physiology
  • Msc in Occupational Therapy
  • Diploma in Smart Bowen Therapy


  • BodyReading with Tom Myers
  • The Importance of Symmetry (IOS) with Robert Smith
  • McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Technique (MSTR) with Gus de la Querra
  • Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST) Proto Plus with Michael Nixon-Livy
  • The Dorn Method with Brigitte Nath
  • Targeting Primary Dysfunction (TPD) with Graham Pennington
  • Pregnancy & Birth Workshop with John Wilks
  • Connective Tissue & Fascia, A forgotten Interface -Myofascial Release with Michelle Watson
  • Reiki with Niki Wakeman
  • Sound Healing - The Sound Healing Academy with Becky Cresswell
  • Theta Healing - Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge with Susie Valentine