Restoring the balance in your life

Welcome to 'Be Better with Bowen' in Leamington Spa; a complementary therapy for health, relaxation and renewal

Welcome to Wellbeing

My name is Jenny O'Brien and I am a fully qualified and insured Bowen Therapist based in Royal Leamington Spa. I work from tranquil treatment rooms located in the centre of town. I am based in the Midlands and easily accessible from Warwick, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Kenilworth, Coventry, Rugby, Solihull and Birmingham. I am situated at a site which is well-served by local transport with parking available close by.

Whether you are looking for support with an existing health condition, want to reduce your day-to-day stress levels or would just like a little 'me' time, my aim is to get you feeling happier, healthier and energised with specially-tailored Bowen treatments to help you to feel like your 'best self' and maximise your physical and mental potential.

I am a member of the Bowen Therapy Professional Association.


What is Bowen Therapy?

The Bowen Technique is a natural therapy. It involves a series of rolling type movements which help to relieve muscle tension and pain. In terms of improving skeletal alignment it compares well in effect with osteopathy, chiropractic and physiotherapy.

But, there is much more to Bowen Therapy.

It treats the whole body, not just the symptoms, and the moves correspond to different organs and glands throughout the body, in a similar way to Acupuncture.

It brings about balance and promotes the body's natural healing ability to improve physical, mental and emotional health.


Bowen therapy can be used regularly to maintain health. It's also helpful in managing many health conditions, especially constant or recurring ones that we might have come to accept over time as being a normal part of life.

It helps to reduce systemic inflammation which can be 'silent' or present as fatigue, brain fog, pain/ discomfort, immobility and low mood.

It also dampens systemic inflammatory responses which is why it is an effective treatment for conditions such as Hay-Fever, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Arthritis.

Click here & here for health related testimonials.

The Holistic Approach

Bowen Therapy treats the individual as a whole, creating a state of harmony in both body and mind. It has the benefit of also being a deeply relaxing therapy, and during periods of relaxation the body takes the opportunity to heal, restore and energise itself.

With a background in Occupational Therapy it is second nature for me to look at you, your environment, your occupations and link why you may be experiencing certain difficulties. I will look at you as a whole and offer advice to help prevent future discomfort and maximise your quality of life.

Bowen is for all ages

Bowen therapy is suitable for all ages and levels of mobility including babies, expectant mothers, children, teens, adults and older adults. It can be especially helpful for long-term and recurring conditions.

Bowen helps with skeletal alignment, aches and pains, mobility, range of movement, body awareness and coordination. It can also help with sleep, digestion, mood elevation and concentration.

Bowen in Sport

Whether you are a professional, amateur or a ‘just for fun’ sportsperson, the Bowen Technique can improve performance, aid recovery and help to reduce the risk of injury. The likelihood of injury increases when the body isn’t optimally balanced.

Bowen puts the body into a state ready for rest, repair and restoration. These relaxing effects mean that Bowen can also dampen down stress and pain responses; reducing the trauma of an immediate or long-term injury.

Click here for sports injuries/ performance testimonials.

Balance & Relaxation

Bowen Therapy is a wonderful way of maintaining your body's healthy balance and general wellbeing, reducing the stresses and tensions that come with life.

It can induce a deep state of relaxation, which improves the effectiveness of the treatment. Relaxing helps relieve tension and aids circulation, increasing the flow of nutrients, oxygen and energy to all parts of the body, and helping with the removal of toxins.

When the body is balanced it is in the optimal state to fight infection, repair damaged tissues and remain resilient to the outside world.

Bowen in the Workplace

There is a real opportunity in these financially difficult times, for companies, large and small, to minimise the financial and organisational problems caused by both short-term and long-term employee absenteeism.

There are many situations where the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and/or emotional strain 'comes with the job'. An investment in targeted Bowen Therapy can provide valuable assistance in maintaining the health and well-being of employees, increasing efficiency, enhancing productivity and reducing the cost of sick pay.

Bowen has a particularly strong record of success in improving back pain, which is responsible for some 14 million working days lost every year in Britain. It regularly provides relief to sufferers for whom conventional treatment has failed to help.

A national study, carried out by BTPA in the summer of 2006, showed that 95% of back pain sufferers experienced either complete relief or a marked improvement, after a series of no more than three Bowen sessions.

Bowen can be seen as a responsible way of improving and maintaining the welfare of employees.

My Google Reviews

How Can Bowen Therapy Help Me?

Bowen Therapy can help to:

  • Reduce pain
  • Improve sleep
  • Relieve tension
  • Improve mobility
  • Improve allergies
  • Aid digestion

To read more about the conditions Bowen therapy can help, please see the FAQs section.

Some frequently asked questions...

How many treatments will I need?

Initially two or three treatments are recommended approximately a week apart. The initial appointment involves taking a case history and carrying out a body balance, during which I will assess where there are tension imbalances in the body.

The following treatments will address your specific issues. Some people may not need to come back but for others top up sessions are beneficial, particularly for longer-term conditions.

Many people choose to book a 6 weekly check in to maintain their general health and wellbeing. Other clients will get back in touch if they start feeling aches and pains, arranging treatments as and when they need them.

What happens in a treatment?

Bowen is performed with clothes on but they must be comfortable and loose fitting (avoid jeans, tight leggings or combat shorts/ trousers with lots of pockets).

Seated treatments are available for people with limited mobility, otherwise clients are encouraged to lie first on their front and then on their back.

During the treatment I will get 'feedback' as to which parts of the body are working well and which are not. This will be discussed with you at the end of the session.

What happens after a treatment?

After a treatment you will be encouraged to observe any changes that you experience in the few days following an appointment, and you will be asked to support your treatment by drinking plenty of water. This helps to keep your body hydrated to assist it with toxin removal.

You may also be given some very simple exercises to do. Strenuous exercise and prolonged sitting is discouraged in the first few days and walking is very much encouraged.

How did I discover Bowen Therapy?

Whilst working in as an Occupational Therapist in a Wheelchair Service I worked with a colleague who had long standing hip issues. She didn't want a hip replacement as she was young to have the procedure so had been advised to put it off for as long as possible. When I met up with her a year later I couldn't believe how much better her gait was. She said that she was having Bowen Therapy and explained:

It's soft tissue moves that I'm having every 6 weeks. It's really helping with maintaining my range of movement and keeping the pain at bay''

I couldn't believe the change in her function so I went off to find out about Bowen Therapy and have never looked back..

I experienced the benefits of Bowen Therapy for myself when I went for a treatment and it got rid of the Plantar Fasciitis that I'd been suffering with for years! 

During my career in the NHS I developed a special interest in postural assessment and postural management. I became passionate about the importance of posture and positioning to maximise people's function. It became clear to me that getting this right could improve client's pain and discomfort, digestion, breathing, risk of injury/infection, communication and ultimately their quality of life. The Bowen Technique felt like a natural progression for me study as, amongst other things, it helps to improve skeletal alignment and posture.

I also developed an interest in 'Sensory Integration' after working children and adults with sensory processing difficulties. Again, Bowen Technique was a natural progression in my practice as it improves integration of the senses. It improves body awareness and the connection between the brain and the body.

I practise SMART Bowen, a specialised form of Bowen that makes moves over trigger points or acupuncture points to alleviate referred pain patterns. I also practise Neurostructural Integration Technique/NST - developed from Bowen, Chiropractic and Osteopathic and Cranio-Sacral approaches.

In simple terms, Smart Bowen and NST both release neuromuscular imbalances to improve the functioning and health of the whole body.

Bowen Therapy does not diagnose and is not a substitute for medical treatment. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.

What are your fees & availability & Policies around Covid-19?

All treatments usually last approximately 60 minutes and cost £60 per session.

All treatments for babies and children take from 20-40 minutes and cost £40 per session.

Please use the booking system to schedule an appointment. Alternatively see contact details to contact me directly to ask any questions or book an appointment.

I accept payment by cash or bank transfer.

Please bear in mind that the law requires that a child must have been seen by a mainstream health professional for the particular condition before coming to a complimentary therapist for treatment.

Parental consent is required for the treatment of any young person under the age of sixteen and the parent/guardian will be asked to remain in the treatment room throughout the session.


Please do not attend an appointment if you have a high temperature or other Covid symptoms.

Please contact me if you are shielding, you are in the vulnerable bracket or have concerns so we can discuss extra precautions.

What conditions can be supported through Bowen Therapy?

Some issues that Bowen Therapy supports are:

Aches & Pains, Poor Mobility, Sprains, Strains, Sporting Injuries (Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow), Injury recovery, Arthritis, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Musculoskeletal Issues (neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee & foot problems), Allergies & food intolerance, Hay-Fever, Sinus problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fertility issues, Asthma, Breathing difficulties, Eczema, Headache/ Migraine, Dizziness, Vertigo & Ear Problems, Babies with latching difficulties, prone to infections, Babies with Colic &, Reflux, Poor Sleep & Irritability, Fluid retention/ Swelling, Poor sleep, Issues with concentration, Low mood, Low energy, Chronic fatigue, Poor flexibility, balance, stability, body awareness and coordination

Get in touch today if you want to enquire about any conditions that you feel could be supported by Bowen Therapy.

I am also qualified in Scar Tissue Release (MSTR). This technique involves making tiny movements across scar tissue to release adhesions and improve blood and lymph flow to the area. It improves the appearance and sensation of scars, and the mobility of surrounding tissue. It is effective for scars that are 8 weeks old up to those that are several decades old. You can have this at the beginning of a Bowen or Reiki treatment for an additional cost of £15. Often only 1 or 2 sessions are required to markedly change the mobility, sensation and appearance of scar tissue.

It is usually safe to have all these treatments alongside conventional medicine, but if you are currently having any medical treatment please speak to your GP before booking an appointment.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you would like to ask any questions or discuss anything before booking an appointment.


I am based in Royal Leamington Spa which is easily accessed by surrounding areas such Warwick, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Kenilworth, Coventry, Rugby, Solihull and Birmingham. For full location details please click here.

You can get in touch with me directly, using my secure and confidential online contact form.

Fees & availability

Treatments last approximately 60 minutes and cost £60 per session. Treatments for children last approximately 40 minutes and cost £40.

Please use the booking system to schedule an appointment. Alternatively get in touch using the link to ask any questions you might have or to book a treatment session.

Note that if you want to cancel an appointment I require 48 hours’ notice; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed. I accept payment by cash or bank transfer.